
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday Morning

“I know who I am and who I may be, if I choose.”

—Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Clogged bathroom sink. Dog poop on the floor. Ant spray. Cats meowing outside the window, demanding their morning meal. A sink and counter full of dishes. A broken screen. Dining room table cluttered with junk. Noisy boys up too early. A sneezing, sniffling husband. A day ahead full of lesson plans.


A bowl of Cocoa Puffs and a cup of coffee. A favorite Psalm with my morning reading: "Let the rivers clap their hands in glee! Let the hills sing out their songs of joy before the Lord." Birdsong and chill coming through the open windows—fall really is here. A day ahead with nowhere to go and plenty of free time to get lesson plans done, do dishes, and straighten the house. Overnight friends for both of my kids: little boys giggling on the floor, teenaged girls still sleeping soundly. Cool weather for a morning run. Anticipation of waffles and sausages for brunch.

Every day is a choice. You pick.


  1. love it! I choose little boys giggling on the floor! well, in my case two girls getting along wathcing Toy Story 2. (thanks for the reminder of choice...)

  2. My house looks like the 1st, but I choose the 2nd! Kids played all morning and didn't realize they hadn't had anything to eat until 1. They can all fix their own sandwiches and simple breakfast so I let them play without reminding them to eat! Bushes pruned, patio painted, fall decor on the porch

  3. Oooooo- I should have read this before Saturday evening- now I will switch my perspective accordingly...

  4. so very, very true! hope you've chosen to enjoy your weekend!

  5. I love the second perspective!

    I also like the new look of your blog, the banner is so nice!

  6. I really needed that perspective to face my tomorrow.


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