
Monday, June 26, 2006

June 26, 2006: Perfect Weekend

You know those weekends that are just so filled with good things? This past was one of them. We cancelled our Saturday trip to Nashville at kind of the last minute, so we had this whole nearly empty day stretched out before us. Duncan and Laurel got to go to a birthday party and Jesse got to hang out with Bryant. Saturday evening became a spontaneous dinner party with Our Favorite Redheads and the Dad2Three and Blogless Leigh family. (One of these days she's going to pound me for calling her that!) Midway through the evening, Tia confessed that it was actually her birthday, so the spontaneous blueberry crumble became her birthday cake.Recipe for a perfect Saturday night in June: good conversation, home-made ice cream, kids on bikes, jump-roping girls, and little boys in costume.

b-day cobbler rick and baby
Birthday Cobbler and Rick with Phat Baby

Sunday was awesome. Our good friends came to church with us, and we all went out to eat at our favorite Mexican Restaurant afterwards. The afternoon was completely relaxing. A little gardening and outdoor play, naps, and a family movie, March of the Penguins.

And Monday morning brings a much needed rain. Our friends from Iowa will visit later this week, so perhaps they really will see Tennessee when it's green!

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