So we met Neal and Kristina here on HSB. We clicked, in the way that people do when they think, "If they lived here, we'd hang out with them." So we invited them down for vacation. They took us up on it. Now, some Local Yokels (a-hem Tim), thought we were nuts when we told them that our Canadian friends that we've never met were coming down to stay with us for a week. "What if they are crazy? What if you don't like them? What if la-la-la?" It's hard to explain that sometimes you just know.
And so, we were so right. We have been having an absolutely blissful week. I can't go into it all now because I have to get ready for our Bloggers' Picnic in just an hour, but here are a few photos for bestsister, who is pining for the Campbells....

But the week's not over yet! In just a bit we'll head off for the Bloggers' Picnic, which is bound to be entertaining. The sun is shining in spite of a prediction of thunderstorms, and we have a special surprise of Moon-pies for our Canadian friends.....
Friday, May 4, 2007 - thanks for the fix
Posted by bestsister (IP Not Logged)
You have fed my addiction quite nicely. So glad you are having a great time. I knew you'd love them as much as we do.
Saturday, May 5, 2007 - Untitled Comment
Posted by JenIG (IP Not Logged)
we had such a fun time meeting them! thanks again for putting the event together.
Saturday, May 5, 2007 - Wow!
Posted by anotherblogonthefire (IP Not Logged)
Your Canadians look cool. I wish I could have met them, eh?
Saturday, May 5, 2007 - How fun is that??
Posted by ComfyDenim (IP Not Logged)
What a brilliant idea!
I'm so glad it was such fun!!
Are you guys going to canada the next time?
Sunday, May 6, 2007 - Good question...
Posted by anotherblogonthefire (IP Not Logged)
Are you going to go to Canada next time?
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