So I thought I'd go to my peers--and that was my mistake. My husband looked at me blankly. How could he forget this great PBS classic? And my so-called friends smirked (even if I couldn't see them) when they received my questioning email: "what was the name of that show with the hippie chicks in the garden?" At last, magically, the name of the show came to me: The Magic Garden! Ha! I am not having hallucinations! Except that it wasn't a PBS show. It aired on WPIX out of New York City, which explains why my midwestern friends acted like they didn't know what I was talking about. New Yorkers had it good. I mean, this is the 70s at its finest! And I have discovered a few Magic Garden fan sites, besides some awesome videos on youtube. You seriously don't know how deprived your childhood was until you view the "Hello Song." And the magic mushrooms memory will all make sense with "The Garden of Make Believe." Classics, I'm telling you. Monday Memory at its finest.
The Magic Garden! I just remembered the name today! It has been bugging me for years! I grew up in New England, then moved out west and never saw the show again. I also thought it was a PBS show, thank god for google. My friends thought I was crazy. I just remember the swings in the opening and closing scenes, and the squirrel. Love to see some old footage any info please email me at jlberry2001@yahoo.com. THANKS.