
Saturday, May 12, 2007

Simple Pleasure Saturday

May 12, 2007

I love Tia's Simple Pleasure Saturdays, and while she's talking to my husband on the phone this moment, I will add one my own: pancakes with peanut butter and syrup. I am unfortunately not a motivated breakfast-maker during the week. I love breakfast. I would love to eat a big, hearty breakfast every morning; however, I prize my morning quiet time more than biscuits and gravy. But on Saturdays, we do breakfast. If Randy is up and about, which does happen now and then, we have a really big breakfast. But most of the time I am at least inclined to make pancakes on Saturday mornings. And while the kids like various things on their pancakes, my favorite is crunchy peanut butter and syrup. This is a combo only acquired in the past 5 years or so, upon breakfasting with my college friend Angie and her husband, Scott. Scott introduced me to the concept of peanut butter on pancakes. I was initially skeptical but hooked with the first bite. And so I do, now, look forward to the simple pleasure of peanut butter pancakes on Saturdays, and having my husband at home.

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