
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Corner of the House

April 8, 2008

Do you have those little things about your house that make you absolutely happy? This particular view is something I love. That's our little sunporch there, which, in the spring, summer and fall is a craft room with fabulous views. (In the winter, it's storage for every single piece of junk that I don't want in the living room. But let's not dwell on that.)

Every spring morning when I get the paper, I pass this wonderful redbud tree. If you look closely, you can see another redbud tree in the right corner, and there is also a redbud right outside the sunporch door. I love these redbuds because we planted them. I can remember, about 6 years ago, pointing to this exact spot where I wanted this particular redbud, and Dr. H. dutifully dug and planted. The other two were planted in subsequent years, and now they are all tall and graceful. In just another day or two the dogwoods will be in full flower, and to me this pair of dancing sisters--dogwood and redbud-- is the epitome of springtime.

For the first 10 years of our marriage we lived in tiny apartments. We're coming up on eight years in this, our first house, and on days like this especially, I still feel that thrill of joy and thankfulness--this is our house.

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - Very lovely, indeed...

Posted by anotherblogonthefire (

but why are redbuds pink?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008 - I so know what you mean

Posted by onfire (

I was thinking the same thing about my lilac bush, which I trimmed, last year. I am hoping I actually knew what I was doing and it flourishes ... and not having one (which I have wanted for our fourteen years of marriage) again is a bit of sadness for me.
I have to resign myself that living on a missionary salary may very well mean we never own again ... so, on the bright side, we will simply have to crash YOUR beautiful abode whenever we are on furlough!

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008 - Beautiful Picture

Posted by briarwren (

We're still in tiny apartments but we hope to be able to buy our own house in a few years. Have to wait until the husband's out of school and we're settled somewhere. :(

Wednesday, April 9, 2008 - Untitled Comment

Posted by BChsMamaof3 (

Oh I just love brick homes! It is so beautiful. We are fortunate to have some brick work and columns on the front of our home which is nice but yours is fabulous *grin* Love your redbud tree to. We don't have any flowering trees open yet. Next month the cherries and crabapples start :)
Have a blessed evening,

Thursday, April 10, 2008 - Untitled Comment

Posted by chickadee (

so beautiful. that makes me happy too.

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