
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Reads and Reviews of 2008

There's only thing I want to do this evening: curl up with my soft blanket and read a book. I'm halfway through The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, and it really is as good as everyone says—so far, anyway. If you're looking for something to read, check out my Year of Reading at my SmallWorld Reads blog. You can see the best, the worst, and everything in between. While you're there, check out the best of 2007, too. That was actually a better year for amazing books! And if you still can't find anything to read there, here's my To Be Read list AND Semicolon's Saturday Review of Books yearly round-up.

Now there's no reason to say, "I just can't find anything good to read..."


  1. Oh, I can't wait to check out your lists! I LOVE reading and would love to have more time to do it. A blanket and a good book sounds great for this evening... After I do the elliptical- ugh. Lori

  2. Thank you! I have been sitting here fretting that I had nothing to read this year. I was going to put up a post for titles. I'm off to make a list now! :-)

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have no idea why my new posts aren't showing up. That's kind of weird....

    I am so happy to see this post and to start reading through your other blog. I have been pretty stagnant in my reading lately and I've been wanting to put together a reading list so that I have some new stuff to look for when I head to the library.

    I need to start reading a broader range of genres/authors. I love Austen, Dickens, Wilkie Collins, and Agatha Christie. Unfortunately, none of them are writing books anymore :) I suppose it's time to venture off into the unknown. I will be reading through your book reviews as soon as I have a bit more time and hoping to find some that I might enjoy.

  4. For what it's worth, I think of you as a champion blogger, too! :)

  5. I can't wait to check out your lists either! I love, love, love reading.

    I have a huge list I wrote down from a book of "Books Every Christian Should Read." It's very comprehensive, broken down by eras and by non-Christian and Christian authors.

    Anyway, I try to work through at least one or two of those each year. I figure I might get done by the time I die! LOL.

  6. ...heading over to check out the list now

    : )


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