
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday Miscellany

* I am exhausted. Second and fourth Thursdays—American Heritage Girls meetings—are like that. But in spite of the long, chaotic day in which I talk to lots and lots and lots of people, I love AHG days. Those faces! Those sweet little girl faces and the beautiful big girl faces. I love them all so much.

* I came home to a noisy house but there was pizza. And soon the two noisiest (Jesse and his friend), cleared out for Boy Scouts, and now my house is so quiet.

* I also came home to a box from Land's End with my new swimsuit in it. And guess what? It fit, even after two slices of pizza! They have loads of swimsuits on clearance right now, by the way.

* I am touched and heartened by the outpouring of financial help for Haiti that is being talked about on blogs, various yahoogroups, and Facebook. So many good places to give—and people are really doing it, not just talking about it. Did you see that Pioneer Woman is holding a contest? She'll donate a total of $1000 to the charity of the winners' choices for Haitian aid. That is phenomenal.

* I'm looking forward to World Lit and Geography tomorrow. The kids are all bringing in various types of Asian food, and we're having a wonderful speaker.

* But tonight, I need to take my contacts out, put on my favorite black lounge pants, and lounge.
What's your favorite lounging attire?

1 comment:

  1. A swimsuit in January? You are a brave one. :)

    Right now I'm loving my new slanket. I wear it backwards. Like a robe. And walk around the house with it flowing behind me. Like The Queen.

    I wonder if it would make a good swim suit cover up?? :)

    Have fun eating egg rolls.


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