
Friday, April 23, 2010

In the Yard and Other Nice Things

Here's what's happening in our yard this week, in addition to everything from last week, which is all still blooming…

The bleeding heart and roses are especially precious to me because they came from my parents' yard in New York. I don't know what the real names for the roses are—and perhaps those are the real names—but my parents call them Rose Rose and Oriental Rose. My father swears that white bleeding heart didn't come from him, but it really did. His bleeding hearts are all pink.

In other lovely news, Randy and I are going out to dinner all by ourselves this evening while our younger kids are at a birthday party and Jesse is at work. It's a simple pleasure, but a much needed one after the crazy week we've had. Phew! I'm glad it's Friday!


  1. What wonderful pictures and such fun plans for a dinner date!

  2. the peonies here are about to burst too. we were just talking the other day about how the azaleas and peonies did especially well this year.


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