
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Making Books in Your Homeschool

Possibly, I am slightly obsessed with books. Not only do we have a dozen bookcases or more that house hardbacks and paperbacks of all shapes and sizes, but I have boxes of books that the kids have made during our dozen years of homeschooling.

These books are not only treasures for us but fantastic learning tools for the kids. We make books primarily as a means to enhance a certain topic we are studying, although sometimes we make books just for fun. Book making provides a multisensory approach to learning: hands are busy, minds are exploding with ideas, connections are being made between topic and task.

A book can begin with just a folded piece of paper, or with cardboard, wrapping paper, or a brown grocery sack. The possibilities are endless.

{Come and visit me on The Homeschool Classroom today to see some of those possibilities for making books with your kids!}


  1. Thank you for sharing this article. I love it. Keep on writing this type of great stuff.

  2. I love your article! Our house is over come with books of all types and my children read a great variety of subjects! The ability to learn from and share with books is awesome! We recently helped our oldest son move, One whole pick up load was boxes of books and he said he had a storage unit full of them. Creating books is an awesome way for them to expand their horizons!

  3. I just came back from a missionary conference entitled World Missions: As they should be! One of the most interesting sessions was Books as Missionaries. This was the most amazing conference. The speaker, Bojidar Moldinav grew up in Bulgaria with Communist parents. He now translates the best Christian literature into Bulgarian. During his Book talk he spoke of how important books and translation were to the Slavic peoples in particular. The history told of two Roman brothers of nobility was too incredible to express here but I will send the link as soon as he has a recording put up of this session. On another note, Bojidar points out that we have had very little in results for all the money we have spent for missions and he suggested how to correct this!


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