
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

In the Smokies: Andrews Bald 2014

It's been a couple of years since we hiked to Andrews Bald in June to see the flame azaleas. I looked back at a blog post from two years ago and can't believe how much older the kids look.

The day was beautiful. You can read all about the logistics of the hike—how to get there, how long it takes, etc— on this post. There isn't much else to say about a day in the mountains with the loves of your life, surrounded by rhododendrons, flame azaleas, mountain laurels, and the kind of grass that you just want to curl up and sleep on.


  1. I love your blog... I think I will follow you! Hope you don't mind.

  2. Beautiful views and azaleas! Looks like you all enjoy your hike:)

  3. Wow...we've never done that one. Looks like a beautiful hike!


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