
Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday Memory: Wedding Day

March 26, 2007

Yesterday was our 18th wedding anniversary. And yesterday was exactly the kind of day we envisioned when we picked March 25 as our wedding day in 1989: 80 degrees and sunny with spring in its full splendor of redbuds, dogwoods, forsythia, tulips, daffodils, and more. Our actual wedding day was actually somewhat cool, and spring had not yet hit East Tennessee that year. But I'm glad we got married when we did. We originally planned an October wedding in the mountains. I would have been barefoot, and my bridesmaids would have worn shades of autumn. But alas, we didn't want to wait that long, and so we were married during our college's spring break. Tuxes and candlelabras won out over the mountains' own majestic autumn decor, but it was all good.

We keep our anniversaries simple. After church we had lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Los Amigos, and supper was a picnic in the park. Because all I ever wanted was a simple kind of life.

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