
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

10-20-30-40 Meme

November 6, 2007

Memes are a perfect thing to do when one is procrastinating. I saw this one over at Punctuality Rules (yes, I read a blog that is all about grammar) today and thought I should do it. The idea is, I tell you what I was doing 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, and, if applicable, 40 or 50 years ago. Feel free to join in and do this one as well! What better way to amuse oneself?

10 Years Ago (1997, age 31): I was living in Ames, Iowa. Laurel was just past her 2 month mark and Jesse was 4 1/2. Randy was in the fourth year of his PhD, and I was taking a break from my master's degree. I was probably cold, as November in Iowa can bring snow, and missing autumn in Tennessee. But I had two beautiful children and was married to my best friend, and our whole lives were spread out before us.

20 Years Ago (1987, age 21): I was in my senior year of college, and this particular semester was absolutely filled with sorrow, anger, stress, and heartbreak. My high school boyfriend had just died. I had just ended things with the love of my life (I can say that now because he is my husband). My suitemate was a source of constant stress. And, to top it all off, I was doing my student teaching a local high school. That in itself would have been stressful enough, but to add all the emotional burdens on top: I was a basket case.

30 Years Ago (1977, age 11): I was in sixth grade, and we had just moved into our new house. This was a hard time for me. I had lived in a perfect neighborhood (picture sidewalks, big front porches, kids all around, huge yards, free range of the whole neighborhood) all of my (memorable) life. I'd gone to the same school with the same kids since nursery school. And then my parents decide to build a beautiful house right on the lake. How dare they? I had to transfer to a school all the way across town (which is kind of funny for a town of 15,000 but it seemed big then) at the beginning of the year. New friends, new life. (Of course, in a town that size, I knew several of the kids from other places already.) My teacher was Ms. Kuryla. She was not warm and fuzzy.

40 Years Ago (1967, age 21 months): Of course I have no memories at this age. We had lived in Geneva, NY for not quite 4 months, having moved from Carbondale, Illinois. Our family had been deeply rooted in Southern Illinois for generations. My dad was a professor and research scientist for Cornell University's NY State Agriculture Experiment Station in Geneva. My mom took care of us all. My brothers were 17, nearly 14, 10, and 3. I suppose everyone except Stephen (the three-year-old) and I were terribly unhappy at having been uprooted. But we were just awakening.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007 - Carbondale, huh?

Posted by Lindsay (

I never knew you were a southern Illini.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007 - Untitled Comment

Posted by skdenfeld (

I think all play too...but later. ; )

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007 - Untitled Comment

Posted by skdenfeld (


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Wednesday, November 7, 2007 - Hmmm....

Posted by Blogless Leigh (

10 years ago(1997), the kids were 7, 5, and 3- we were living in our first home we bought in the VERY rural area of Ansonia, Ohio-loved our house and yard but we had no friends!
20 years ago(1987), I was 16 and in my junior year of high school! Working at IGA and trying to get over Ricky Laney!( who I did end up marrying)
30 years ago(1977), We had just moved to Ohio from Kentucky, where I was born, started school and was teased horribly for my southern accent! I was best buds with a mennonite girl who lived next door to me and my mother worked at a migrant workers clinic at the end of the streeet where all the migrant workers lived in a neighborhood of shacks-I did not even find this weird for some reason.
I can't go 40 years back YET!!!!

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007 - You you

Posted by anotherblogonthefire (

I thought I'd play along with the meme too. I just posted it.

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