
Friday, April 18, 2008

Heart of the Matter Meme: What I've Learned from the Kids

April 18, 2008

Today's Heart of the Matter meme asks for The Things Your Child Taught You During Homeschool. Here are just a few:

• My children reflect my moods. (Yes, I said reflect, not affect.) If I am distracted, grumpy, and/or irritable, they will be, too. I should be nice all the time.

• My children are, indeed, wonderfully and fearfully made with his/her own unique personalities and needs, which will determine how they learn best. And I have to be constantly aware that what works for one child will not necessarily work for another.

• My children love me to just be in the room with them. They are thrilled with the simplest of things, like me watching a movie with them or playing a game of kickball.

• Book-learning is a lifelong process. I learn something new every single day, especially in history and geography.

• It’s much more important to show love to my child than to finish the math book.

• If I am nice, my children are nice. Did I say that one already?

• We began homeschooling for two main reasons: to provide our children with a high quality academic education and to enjoy the family flexibility to which we were accustomed (and which the public school discouraged). Nearly nine years later, our list has grown to dozens of reasons. And homeschooling, somewhere in the very early years, became about life. The academic education becomes then, not an entity unto itself, but merely one component of our life—of our constant process of learning together.

• I have forgotten that I ever wondered if I would be making a huge personal sacrifice by homeschooling. I have forgotten that I ever imagined long stretches of days, writing and gardening, while someone else taught my children at school. Why would I have ever wanted to garden without a child next to me, ready to pick a worm out of the dirt or plop a flower into a hole?

What have your children taught you through homeschooling? If you post on your own blog, be sure to leave a link at The Heart of the Matter.

Post A Comment!.....


Friday, April 18, 2008 - Untitled Comment

Posted by Momtofivekids (

I enjoyed reading your post. This is the first time I've visited your blog, it looks great!

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Friday, April 18, 2008 - Great post

Posted by cricket (

Thank you for sharing! I love the reminder that our children just like us being there!
Be blessed!

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Friday, April 18, 2008 - Untitled Comment

Posted by Anonymous (

I love what you said about academic education not being an entity unto itself but a part of a lifestyle of lifelong learning!

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Friday, April 18, 2008 - Amen!

Posted by Anonymous (

"If I'm nice, my dc are nice." So true! Great lessons learned!


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Friday, April 18, 2008 - Untitled Comment

Posted by sadie423 (

My boys definately show my moods. If I am stressed they are too....And I agree I should be nice/happy all the time....then they would be too

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Friday, April 18, 2008 - Homeschooling

Posted by Morning Rose (

It's a blessing that our kids want to be around us all the time and enjoy our company. I love that about homeschooling. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

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