
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Three Beautiful Things

1. Scooters: With the temps up in the 70s and lots of sunshine, the kids were out riding their new scooters off and on all day. There is something lovely about those faces concentrating on coming down a hill and then breaking into smiles at the end.

2. Sunset: Black silhouettes of winter trees against a brilliant December orange, pink and silver sunset.

3. Pizza: After a week filled with an abundance of rich food, the simplicity of cheap pizza was perfect.

What beautiful things are in your life this weekend?


  1. hmm we started in on the Cheap Pizza on Dec 24...LOL.

    my husband's helping hands cleaning up after the Holiday Mess

    The gorgeous California skies

    My kids happily enjoying their vacation and new goodies

  2. I think everyone's children received scooters for Christmas this year. There were literally 20 or more kids at the park yesterday, zipping around (or falling down!) on them. We took the boys to Market Square on Friday and they had a blast w/their new ones.

  3. Cheap pizza is one of the things that actually makes my stomach happy right it is also one of my 3 beautiful things...don't want to admit how much we have had this week...

  4. 1. snuggling with my kiddos...
    2. twilight skies.........
    3. passing through the other side of a lesson learned....

  5. Gotta love the 70s -- wow!

    Three beautiful things: leftovers, homemade fudge, and good coffee--I think I can't get away from the food category today. :-)

  6. the same as i posted on facebook:). skyline chili, ice skating at fountain square and graeters ice cream! OH, and it's a fourth.....getting to hang out with my brother and his lovely wife.

  7. I love your three beautiful things! AND, I love the pictures you put in your blog :)


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