
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday Miscellany

In the hustle of this week, I've lost track of time.

We've been in an absolute flurry of camp planning this week, including two days' worth of camp run-through. We have always had our American Heritage Girls day camps be girl-led. This year we have 13 Pioneers and Patriots (7th - 12th graders) as camp leaders. The vast majority of them, actually, are rising 7th graders, and that realization made me break out in a sweat last weekend. After watching these girls in action during camp run-through, however, I am absolutely amazed and tremendously proud of them. They have showed tremendous leadership, cooperation, and diligence, and I am feeling almost totally devoid of stress. Our camp begins Monday morning, with 72 girls registered. It's a 3-day, three-hour camp, and on Wednesday I will probably be a big blob of mental jello. But in a good way.

Last night was our support group's high school graduation. It was a fantastic event. There were over 400 people there for 14 graduates, including Jesse's best friend, Bryant. Today we head over to their house for a graduation party, and then there is a whole support group graduation party this evening. And, of course, I can't help but think that this time next year, Jesse will graduate. And go off to college. And there will be a slide show at graduation that will make me cry.

Phew. I think I'll stop thinking about that now.

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