
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tackle It Tuesday

So about 2 weeks ago, Dr. H. declared, "This year we are NOT going to let our pumpkins rot on the front porch like we always do!"

He is such an optimist.

Today's tacklings included cleaning the front porch:

Two rotten pumpkins, a hedge trimmer, a bright orange extension cord, a pair of gloves, and two dead mums, all gone by 8:15 a.m.!

I was especially proud of myself since this thing was lurking above my head as I cleaned:

I find slugs particularly repulsive.

Next up, the guest bedroom. Dr. H's best friend from high school and his wife and new baby are arriving shortly. Here's what the bedroom looked like earlier today:

And now:

Phew! I'm glad that's done. Now the house is clean, soup's on the stovetop, and brownies are in the oven.

Let the holidays begin!

See more Tackle It Tuesdays at 5 Minutes for Mom!


  1. That is too funny about the pumpkins!! Ours always used to rot when we lived in Texas and California. This year, they are still on the front porch and frozen SOLID. My son picked up the top to one and dropped it on the porch and it sounded like a rock hitting :) I should probably still get rid of them before Christmas though...

  2. You are on a role, do you want to come tackle my leaves and put away my summer deck chairs and cushions? They are still outside. I hope some of your ambition rubs off on me in the next few days.
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Neal and puhmonee and me slept in that bed!

    and I was ever so relieved to hear that I am not the only one who killed her mums this fall. I did, however, plant them, just in case.
    I suppose I am a bit of an optimist as well.
    the rotten pumpkins? chucked them into the compost, along with the rotten tomatoes.

  4. Wow! That's impressive. You should be on HGTV.

    I rarely visit my front porch when it is cold, but I did so yesterday for the first time in a while. I found 2 and a half rodents on my welcome mat. I really don't wish to discuss the half. *Shudder.* Let's just say, I think my cat is having some real trouble with her sense of self-worth.

    My mums (unpotted - still in the original plastic container) are in their second bloom. Speaking strictly as an avid snow-skier, I really hope that isn't an omen!

  5. Wow! You are definitely on a roll! I still have two pumpkins on my porch as well, but I never actually even got around to carving them. Hah!

    If you have a moment, stop by and check out my tackle! :)

  6. Love the front porch!I also have a rotten pumpkin on mine:)
    Great work!


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