
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Three Beautiful Things: Clean, Food, Husband

1. My house is so clean. We had a really big annual party here this weekend, and I did major cleaning. Loved the party, love the clean house that remains. For a little while, anyway.

2. I went grocery shopping today and got food for the whole week. I have been so bad lately about doing a bit of shopping every couple of days and then running out of food. This week, the fridge is full and the menu is complete. I even found candy corn on clearance.

3. My husband is seriously the best dad ever. He drove our son all the way to Asheville, North Carolina (having to take a detour that doubled his time because of a rock slide) this evening so that Jesse could go see the amazing Leonard Cohen in concert. The concert was mostly a gift from my brother and Jesse pitched in the rest of the outrageously expensive ticket. While Randy would have loved to have heard Leonard Cohen, there was no way he could justify spending that money. For awhile he found a cafe to hang out in, but now that it's closed, he's sitting outside the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium reading a book while Jesse soaks in amazing music. Seriously, who does that? Our kids are so blessed.

Me, too.

What beautiful things have been happening in your world lately?


  1. I'm with you on the clean house thing. I spent most of Saturday tiding up my house just giving it a good (long overdue) cleaning. I just wanted to stand & stare at my kitchen floor & all the space I suddenly felt like I had! ;-) So nice isn't it? OH & I did all that because my brother & his family where here visiting from California.

  2. 9/10ths of the reason I love to entertain is that shot of adrenaline that gets the house clean. The other 1/10th is that I'm beautifully blessed with fabulous friends and crave the pleasure of their company!

    Another beautiful thing is that I've been sleeping with my curtains wide-open because there is a new heart-stopping scene outside my window every morning! This a.m. it was thick fog, that swirled like smoke. As we drove off the hill, we realized it was unique to our young mountain and the valleys were clear as a bell. Looking back toward home, we all thought it looked like the hills were on-fire. Thus the "Great" in Smoky Mountains. ;-)

    Dr. Hibiscus should have hit downtown Asheville - there is always free live music going on there, even on Sunday. I love Asheville.


  3. Love having a clean house!!

    Just did my regular shopping today. I hadn't gone either except for small things.


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