
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Basking

If you're my Facebook friend, you know that I'm often irritated by the dog, and you might even get the impression that I'm really not much of a dog person. But this is pretty darned cute. And how much would we all love to bask in a sunny spot all day? For more "Wordless" Wednesday posts, visit Wordless Wednesday, Momspective, and Five Minutes for Mom.


  1. I think that may be the sweetest photo I have seen today. :)

    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

    Wordless Wednesday - Smoke on the Water (its a restaurant, not a fire!)

  2. Aww, he's so cute. How can you be irritated with him?

    (I have one dog that is perfect and another one that is like a goat, into everything, so I can actually sort of understand!)

  3. Awesome photo! MY cat likes to do that as well.

  4. Sometimes I look at my cat basking by the fireplace or in a square of sun and think...I'd like to be the cat for just a day! Great picture!

  5. They have the life, don't they? Nice picture. Happy WW. I need to put mine up. It's about that time. I got sidetracked reading my friends' blogs. :-)

  6. You should see how close my dog and cat are, it makes me feel violated sometimes. :)

  7. Aww, love the pet photo! I have a dog & a cat too. But they don't like each other that much. lol Thanks for linking up to my blog today and have a great week.

  8. I love sunbathing furries!! They look warm and cozy all snuggled up there!

  9. It looks like a fantastic way to spend the day.

  10. It looks like a fantastic way to spend the day.

  11. They are really enjoying every bit of the sun. :)

  12. I really never got the impression you were not a dog person; just maybe not a dog barf, poop, or pee person.

    I think that's a completely defensible position, by the way!


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