
Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Miscellany

* I really miss doing my Monday Memory posts, but truthfully, my brains are utter mush on Mondays after a day at co-op. Last week I had to look through dozens and dozens of photos in search of the perfect 15 pictures for Jesse's senior slide show, and I had such an urge to write about so many of the photos. But there's that mush-brain problem.

* It's hard for me to understand how I once had a 40-hour/week job. Why does teaching co-op classes for 3 hours completely wipe me out? It's absurd.

* Dr. H. is on spring break this week, and he's already been on two hikes. Check them out at his hiking blog, 900 Miles. I so wish that we had spring break at the same time!

* In less than two weeks, we're going away for our anniversary to a little cabin in the Smokies. Last year our anniversary hike was the arduous but exhilarating Chimney Tops trail. I wonder what Dr. H. has planned for this year? I'm already looking forward to the hot tub at the end of a long day of hiking.

* Actually, I'd like to soak in a hot tub at the end of every day. Should we take money out of Jesse's college fund and install a hot tub instead? What would Dave Ramsey say about that?

* I did not plan a menu this week. I am already feeling lost and anxious, even though Dr. H. is at home to take care of the cooking this week. (Did I just say that?) I'll be back on the menu plan bandwagon next week, for sure.


  1. Pretty good post for "brain mush"...

    (Oh, and how I TOTALLY agree with this statement:

    "It's hard for me to understand how I once had a 40-hour/week job. Why does teaching co-op classes for 3 hours completely wipe me out? It's absurd."

    I taught full time in the public school system through all three of my pregnancies, so I understood why I was tired then. Now, I am wiped out from just one full field trip day! Getting older can be so frustrating...)

  2. In the back of my mind (where no one wants to be caught),Monday is a day to recoup from the weekend, and to bring myself to reality of what needs to be done for the week. Like a self talk..really:)

    Hope you feel better!

    God Bless

  3. I have bestowed a fabulous blog award upon you. :)


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