
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Make Way for Geese

I am not one of those people who stops to take pictures of wildlife in the Smokies, but this just cracked me up. We were headed up to take a short hike and play in the river with friends last week, and about halfway up we had to stop and let a family of geese cross. (That is a goose, right, not a duck?) A Friday in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, where 8 million tourists visit each year, and all traffic stops for this family of 5. (Dad and the others were already safely on the side of the road.) I love the power these little creatures have over us in our vehicles, love that moment that reminds us that we are in their home.


  1. A missed opportunity for Thanksgiving dinner. Great photo though.

  2. That happens all the time around here. It's nuts.

    Have a great Wednesday!
    Linky up with me :)

  3. This is so darling! Those geese are VERY good parents...

  4. Was this near Elkmont Campground? We drove through there yesterday evening after a short hike and saw a cute family of geese. So cute!

  5. It was very near Elkmont, Jane! We were on our way to the Chimneys picnic area.

  6. I don't know why but we have TONS of geese here in NE Ohio. Stopping for geese crossing the street is not an unusual happening here. I just told my daughter the other day, "If I was a goose, I would FLY over the road." Sadly, we sometimes see dead geese by the road, too - hence my comment about flying.


  7. They look so elegant strolling across the road. And brave! Great shot!!!


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