
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Cake

Learning to decorate a cake has been high on my 12-year-old daughter's "to-do" list for a long time. She finally had the opportunity to participate in a cake decorating workshop this week. Her cake was gorgeous and way too delicious.


  1. Wow. She is talented. I have a twelve year old daughter too and she loves to bake. She would love to take a class.

  2. I love it! It very pretty with just the right amount of girly! :)

  3. Great work! I always wanted to learn how to do that too, but since I have shaky hands and ten thumbs I've grown to accept that it's just not for me. Looks yummy though for sure!

  4. Just beautiful! I'm so glad that you posted on my blog, cause now I found yours. Love your words and I'm back to read more today!

  5. Tell your daughter she did a lovely job! Not only is making your own cakes at home a great way to show love to others, it's quite a good way to save some money. I was shocked to see the price on the store-bought birthday cake my mother-in-law's boyfriend purchased for her - almost 40.00! It really was a pretty simple cake with yummy filling. It could have been made at home for far less.


  6. Cute! My girl got into cake decorating after a little teaching event a lady from church put on. I couldn't care less about decorating a cake myself so I am happy for her to do it!

  7. Very cute - the colors make me think of St. Patrick's Day!


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