
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Curriculum Review: First Language Lessons

In my corner of the homeschooling world, February seems to be the month when everyone begins planning for the next year. Our support group’s e-mail group is abuzz with “what should I use for __________ next year?”

As the resident grammar fanatic, I enjoy participating in any discussion about language arts. Contrary to expectations, my advice is always to take it easy during the “little” years, particularly in regards to grammar. I hate to see seven-year-olds churn out page after page of tedious sentence labeling.

I have found First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind series to be the perfect introduction to language arts. Written by Jessie Wise of The Well-Trained Mind fame, each book covers one year, beginning in first grade (Level 1) and going up through fourth grade at this time (Level 4). The series has recently been redesigned so that each book covers one year. The original book covered two years in one volume; however, the content is the same as in the original edition. …

{I'm over at The Homeschool Classroom today! Come on over to read my revised and extended review of First Language Lessons 1-3…)


  1. Thanks so much for all of your wonderful insight into the language arts world!!! My daughter is in 4th grade and is doing FLL. What would you recommend for her to use after this year?? I can't find anything about that out there?? Thanks so much!!

  2. This is our first year using FLL (1st grade) and it has been wonderful! I have one of the older books so we are set for next year too!


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