
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Miscellany

* What an exhilarating morning. Randy and I just got back from a gorgeous morning run on the new section of the Greenway that spans our city. One of the first things we fell in love with when we moved to this area was the Greenway, and now it has been extended to the subdivision across the street from us. The newest section was just finished this past week, and we are so excited! We even ran up the hideous ramp that leads to the pretty red pedestrian bridge.

* It's weird that I am excited about running. Until 18 months ago, I despised running. And speaking of that, Randy and I signed up for a 5K on Saturday. It's my 4th one!

* In the past couple of weeks, I have started to feel like myself again. This past year has been filled with such emotional turmoil and stress, with one thing happening right on top of another. But really, in the whole scheme of things, I have an amazing life. I am choosing to embrace that rather than dwell on the aggravations.

* We only have 1 week left of our Tuesday performing arts co-op and 3 weeks left of our big Monday co-op until we break for Thanksgiving and Christmas! The weather is so gorgeous right now that it seems impossible that we'll be donning sweaters and coats soon. I did buy some fuzzy boots yesterday in anticipation.

* Speaking of anticipation, I anticipate getting teary-eyed this evening as my wonderful friend Caroline and her family celebrate their son's Eagle Scout achievement. Caroline and I have been through a dozen years of scouting together, including starting our own American Heritage Girls troop eight years ago. Moments like this go into a treasure box of memories, and I'm so happy they have this perfect fall day to celebrate.

* I must get off now to finish tomorrow's lesson plans and make some food for the reception this evening. Speaking of food, we had dinner at a Japanese grill last night in the name of education. Seriously, you can't study Japan without the whole grill experience, right? I am wondering if 10 a.m. is too early to eat leftovers....


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