
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Caught-My-Eye Posts

Beautiful writing
Emily Freeman at Chatting at the Sky with Learning to Live a Good Story. She is an exquisite writer. "Being good at something doesn’t automatically mean you should do it."

Made Me Cry:
40 of the Most Powerful Photographs Ever Taken. Just mesmerizing.

More Emily Freeman on living wildly and freely:"The difference between the reader and the writer? The reader is hidden. The writer is laid bare."

Parents, why are you pushing your kids? by Jeff Pearlman: "Everyone is in such a rush to guarantee a child's future, yet nobody has been able to rightly (and righteously) explain the ultimate reward. I've heard people say, "I just want to give my child the best opportunity to succeed" at least 100 times, but always without elaboration."

I have to admit that I don't know what Magic Mike is, but I love this post about what makes a man manly.

Chipotle Pork Loin with Black Bean Salad: Served with roasted sweet potatoes/red onions and cantaloupe. Amazing.

What's caught your eye lately?

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