
Monday, January 5, 2015

My Most Popular Posts of 2014

College and writing: without a doubt, the most popular posts on my blog in 2014 focused on those two subjects. And yeah, they're kinda passions of mine.

 1. The Ultimate Guide to Creative Writing Resources for Students: A huge collection of links and ideas for creative writing for all different levels.

 The next three posts come from my series called "What College Profs Wish Freshmen Knew," which was based on a panel discussion last year with several college professors for our homeschooling community: 

2. What College Profs Wish Freshmen Knew: This is the one that kicks off the series, setting the scene.

3. What College Profs Wish Freshmen Knew: Study Skills

4. What College Profs Wish Freshmen Knew: Write Well

5. What College Profs Wish Freshmen Knew: How To Interact with Professors

 And the next three come from my WordSmithery creative writing program, which is always free here on my blog:

6. Introducing SmallWorld's Wordsmithery : This is the one that begins the series.

7. SmallWorld's Wordsmithery: Good Words

8. Wordsmithery: Alliteration and Spring Poems

9. 100 Not-Boring Writing Prompts for Middle and High Schoolers: This is one of my most recent ones and has already been shared like crazy on Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter. Now I just need to get these going in my own English classes!

10. Teaching the Book Thief: Repurposed Pages: This was an incredibly fun and satisfying project from my World Literature class last spring. I am still amazed at the kids' beautiful creations. I love teaching high school literature!

Need more ideas and reading material? See other Best of the 2014 posts from the bloggers at iHomeschool Network.

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