At long last, we made it up to Ober Gatlinburg. Jesse's been skiing there for the past two winters, but I've always been blessed to have Leigh take him with her and her kids. Caroline and I decided that we would make it up one day this session to watch our boys ski and do a little ice skating with our younger ones.
We've actually had some snow these past two weeks, so the slopes are a combo of real snow and man-made. The local schools around the slopes actually had a snow day today.
It does my heart good to see my son in ski gear. I was in cross-country skis before kindergarten, although I didn't start downhill until 6th grade. I skied regularly throughout college, both with my family and in high school and then college ski clubs. That all stopped abruptly upon marriage. Moving to Iowa certainly didn't help my ski career! Plenty of snow in a very flat land.
That's Jesse with Leigh's oldest son Bryant. They have been having a blast the past couple of years!
Ice skating was fun, but these four (Duncan, Patrick, Laurel, and Bess) unanimously proclaimed: "We want to ski next year!" We'll see....
One last shot of my skier. He took off after his obligatory photo session and spent the rest of the day on the slopes. We have grand ideas that next year the rest of us will join the winter ski program...
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