Welcome back to the WordSmithery! If you are brand new here, I recommend that you go back and start at the beginning. My goal with the WordSmithery is to make creative writing exciting for writers of all ages. Here's what we've covered so far:
- #1: About and Journals
- #2: Introduction and Good Words
- #3: Powerful Words
- #4: Simile Rainbow Project
- #4: Similes
- #5: Metaphors and Strong Verbs
- #6: Alliteration and Spring Flower (or Fall Leaves) Poem
- #7: Writing About the Weather (Form Poem)
- #8: Form Poetry
This lesson will be a bit different from the regular ones. I'm not really a huge fan of form poetry, but I think it deserves more than just one lesson. Also, I think form poetry is a great way to get kids writing. There is something satisfying about counting out 17 syllables or finding all the words that rhyme with "banana."
So in this lesson we'll continue to explore various types of form poetry but with an artistic twist. You'll need a construction paper, markers or crayons, scissors, and glue or tape for this lesson. To begin with, go back to Lesson 8 and review various types of Form Poetry. Be sure to check out the links at the bottom of Lesson 8 to read some fun poems. Giggle Poetry has an especially good selection.
Now, pick a theme. I think it is the most fun to do one collage together and then have each child (and you, parent) do a separate collage. When I teach this in a class, I divide students up into groups of about four and have them pick a theme. Some ideas: the current season, an upcoming holiday, any sort of animal, food—the possibilities are endless. After you pick your theme, compose several different poems in a variety of forms. Be creative! Use lots of colors, paper, etc.
My nine-year-old did the poem collage below. He picked his favorite topic, candy. (Yes, I know that "candy's" should be "candies" but we don't worry about spelling errors at this point in the game, remember?) His forms include an acrostic, a haiku, an ode, and a simple ABAB rhyme scheme.

The next two were done in my creative writing classes. The first is a series of haiku done by mostly nine-year-old girls…

And this group chose "nature" as its theme:

You will, of course, want to frame these when they are done and treasure them forever.
So that's it for Lesson 9! Get out the paper, scissors and glue and have fun! Journal writings are included below. As always, do them alone or do them together, but keep writing!
Lesson 9 Journal Writings: Just Imagine
Day 1: Imagine you owned your own store. What would you call it and what would you sell?
Day 2: Imagine you had a round trip ticket to anywhere in the world. Where would you go? How long would you stay? Why did you choose this place?
Day 3: Imagine you won a $1000 shopping spree to any store. Which store would it be and what would you buy?
Day 4: Imagine you are accidentally locked in the library at night. What will you do?
Day 5: Imagine you are a cat or a dog. What would you look like and what kind of cat/dog would you be?
One more thing: if you are enjoying SmallWorld's WordSmithery, help me spread the word by copying the button below and putting it on your own blog post or your sidebar! Thanks!
I love Duncan's ode to licorice...I may have to borrow that and change it to chocolate!
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you, thank you! We've been dragging out Lesson 8 in hopes of a Lesson 9.
ReplyDeleteYou are too good to us!!
Hey there... it has been a while since I checked for new lessons, and I am doing it now for inspiration for my poetry class I am teaching this fall. What a GEM these last two lessons are! Thank you so much for putting this together. When I start the class, and use your ideas, I will be sure to send anyone that asks to your wonderful blog for their own inspiration! Hope you are having a fantastic Wednesday!