Tuesday, April 13, 2010


For the past 10 days or so I've been in that haze that comes with being so utterly overloaded that I've been practically paralyzed. My mind has been going in so many different directions that I can hardly have a coherent thought. Forgive me, real life friends, for looking at you blankly if you've talked to me in the past 10 days. It's highly possible that have no idea what you said to me, so please tell me again.

On top of the normal chaos and stress of a high activity week, last Thursday was the meeting at American Heritage Girls at which we take orders for badges, service stars, new uniforms, conduct Boards of Review, and a dozen other little things as we prepare to end the year. Plus my uncle and my fourth brother came in town last week, and Randy went out of town. We had everyone over for supper on Saturday and then the whole family (21 of us) gathered at my third brother's home on Sunday.

And I had a cold, which is a weird thing for me to have in April. And I was sleepy all week, but it was even worse when my brother stayed at our house until 1:45 a.m. on Saturday/Sunday. I really don't remember the last time I stayed up that late. And there were emotional issues going on this week, some angst here and there, all made more important because of the lack of sleep and stress combination.

But I'm starting to feel somewhat clear-headed today for the first time in what seems like forever. I'm beginning to remember all the daily tasks that have been neglected: laundry, ironing, cleaning, grocery shopping. Returning emails and phone calls. Paying bills. Cooking meals for my family. Blogging. Brushing my hair.

Actually, I don't brush my hair. If I did, I'd look way too much like this lady. But come to think about it, I've pretty much felt like this lady all week.

And so there. I've done something that can drive me insane about Facebook statuses and other bloggers: I've whined. And I feel much better at the end of this blog because in whining about my life, I am again reminded of what a very blessed life I lead.

(And how I need to get off my butt and make a grocery list.)

The End.


  1. Oh, I am so GLAD you "whined!" I often feel like I am the only one who has those kinda days, weeks...oh, let me be completely honest- the ENTIRE MONTH OF MARCH!!!

    Whiners need good company...

  2. You are soo allowed to have those kinda days. I call it going on "strike". Nothing gets done and I just fumble through the motions. It passes and then I get back to real life. Hope you are feeling better soon.


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