Friday, May 8, 2009

Crossing Over

Last night, my little girl crossed over from Explorer (4th-6th grades) to Pioneer (7th and 8th grades) at our American Heritage Girls ceremony. I don't have any pictures because that's one of the downfalls of being an emcee: you can't exactly whip out the camera in the middle of a solemn ceremony. Also, our sashes didn't come with the rest of our badge order, so our 9 new Pioneers didn't get to have their sashes presented to them. But still, it was a milestone for these girls, and I'm so proud of my daughter.

I do have photos from our very first awards ceremony in 2003, when all of our girls were given their Joining Awards and membership pins.

She's the third one from the left in this group of first-grade girls. Four of this first group of girls crossed over last night.

And here she is last year on the night of our ceremony. She's grown several inches since then. In the rush of things yesterday, I didn't even have the foresight to take a few photos of her before she traded in her blue vest.

Between Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and American Heritage Girls, our weeks can be crazy twice each month. And with Randy's being Cubmaster and my being co-coordinator of our AHG troop, some weeks our heads our positively spinning. We wonder what possessed us to schedule both the Cub Scout end-of-the-year picnic and crossing over during the same week as the AHG spring awards ceremony, and both topped off with the Boy Scout camporee over the weekend. What were we thinking?

But Scouting is one of the finer things in life for our family. We have put so much energy and time into the programs because we clearly see the fantastic benefits and blessings that have come about as a result of our participation.

But I'm happy for just a little break.

(Check out more finer things in life at Amy's Finer Things Friday.)


  1. I have not heard of AHG troops around here, but they sound wonderful! I know you're very proud of your daughter! Have a great Mother's Day!

  2. Great achievements on the part of your children! Congratulations to them and to you for getting a little break.

    We were a part of A.W.A.N.A. at our church in Michigan and loved all that our children got out of it. We were the "commanders" for 4 years and the blessings we received were innumerable.

  3. Sweet pictures! I so want to get my girls involved in American Heritage Girls when they're old enough. I've heard so many great things about it.

  4. It was a lovely ceremony. Thanks for all your hard work.

  5. Bittersweet moments...

    p.s. My 9 yo is interested in starting a girls' club. I know I've 'bugged' you about this before. I guess I just don't feel like I have what it takes to start an AHG troop here. Oh well...

  6. What a fantastic accomplishment. We don't have scouting around here, but lots of 4H. My kids are almost old enough to be involved...

    Happy Mother's Day!

  7. Congrats on the new newest Pioneer! :-) Prepare for some shell shock on how long it takes to get a badge now! LOL I'm sure y'all will have a blast at the PiPa level.


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