My daughter will be starting high school, so for the first time, my younger two will be doing completely separate studies. You can read all about what she'll be doing at High School, Take Two on Simple Homeschool. I have two changes since I wrote the post back in May. The question everyone asks is: So what will she be doing for science if we aren't big fans of Apologia? Sheepishly, I must admit that she'll be doing Apologia's Physical Science through our co-op. It just didn't work out for my husband to teach a science class this year, so, yeah... The second change is that she'll be taking a class on Excel and Powerpoint through our co-op. I think this is the class she's most excited about taking! For everything else and more about starting high school, please visit the link to my Simple Homeschool article!

Sonlight will be the foundation—literature and history— for Duncan, and we'll round out our days with a variety of other resources.

* Grammar: Easy Grammar 6
* Spelling: Spelling Power
* Critical Thinking: Mind Benders
* Reading: Besides doing Sonlight readers, he'll be taking my literature circle at co-op. The theme is "Extraordinary Adventures," and we'll be reading Battle for the Castle, The Phantom Tollbooth, and The Indian in the Cupboard.
* Handwriting: He'll continue in whatever book we didn't finish last year.
* Writing: First semester, we'll just do writing as it comes along. Second semester, he'll be taking my creative writing class at our co-op.
* Science: He'll be taking two science courses at our co-op. One is called Mission to Mars, and it will culminate in a trip to the Challenger Mission Center in Chattanooga. The other is a chemistry-based one. I may also do botany at home with him.
* Performing Arts: Shakespeare class at one co-op and flags (creative worship) and drama at a performing arts co-op.
Besides the academics above, the kids are both extremely active in scouting programs: American Heritage Girls for Laurel and Cub Scouts for Duncan. We do tons of badge work that adds another whole dimension to learning, and the kids both learn great leadership and teamwork skills.
We still have a few weeks before we start, but I'm getting excited!